Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is It A Photo-Blog-About-Ogunquit ?

It is a very good idea to write about Ogunquit, but is it a photo blog ? Yes and no, here you can see the beauty of Ogunquit, because you have access to a lot of images, but it is mostly an informative site. Here, you can read information, tips and news, and of course see the beauty our beautiful village. Havé a great day :-)

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Why a blog about Ogunquit

I have decided to create a blog about Ogunquit because it is a very nice place to live and/or to be on vacations. Here, you can do a lot of things : rest on the beach, have a pretty good meals, take a walk around town, do some shopping etc. Also, it is not far from a lot of other pretty good places. Since the first time I have been here, I am in love with this wonderful village. I am sure that you will find all the information you are looking and/or tips. Have a good trip in our beautiful village, the place to be for vacations.